Mplayer Demo Deathmatch Hintbook # Page 6 of 6
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Taunt Romero by running into the area and then quickly back beyond his missiles’ blast radius. When he gets impatient or runs out of missiles, make an aggressive run at his location and blast him down!

You’re most likely to find Romero in areas containing the Sidewinder, such as the tower on Episode One. He will blast the ground below the tower with missiles frequently, so watch your step! He is very effective in areas that require a great deal of vertical battle. If he can find a location above you to blast at your head, he will use it as much as possible. Try to stay a level above him, and avoid letting him dominate the upper floors.

Often he’ll blast the ramp with missiles, so watch your step!

Romero also is effective in areas that require a lot of vertical battle. If he can find a way to blast at your head from above, he’ll use it as much as possible. Try to stay a level above him, and avoid letting him dominate the upper levels.

Like most deathmatchers, Romero commonly runs patterns on each level. Disrupting his pattern is an extremely effective tactic, so focus on forcing him into areas where he normally wouldn’t go. Pressure him to fight on your terms, and never let him escape. Frustrate him, and it will work to your advantage.

Above all, stay calm and constantly reassess your strategy. If the patterns and techniques you use don’t work, make a radical change to surprise him.

Don’t hesitate to try a new approach if your current one isn’t working. Keep your head, and you’ll be well on your way to victory!